Physiotherapy for Pelvic Pain
Physiotherapy is recommeded as a safe and effective treatment for women with pelvic pain.
The Pelvic Pain Network was established to support the needs of the 1 in 5 women, with persistent pelvic pain. Together, we’re on a mission to make pelvic pain healthcare more accessible.
Chronic or persistent pelvic pain is pain felt anywhere inside or outside the pelvis that lasts for more than 6 months. This includes any pain felt from your belly button to your buttocks.
Physiotherapy is recommended in the treatment of pelvic pain, and aims to reduce your symptoms of pain, improve the function of your pelvic organs (e.g., bladder, bowel, and sexual function) and improve your quality of life. Essentially we want to support you in both feeling better and getting back to enjoying all the things that are important to you!
Specialist Pelvic Pain Physiotherapists commonly treat:
Ø Persistent/Chronic pelvic pain
Ø Endometriosis pain
Ø Bladder pain syndrome or interstitial cystitis
Ø Vulvodynia (vulval pain)
Ø Dyspareunia (painful sex)
Ø Vaginismus
Ø Pudendal neuralgia
Ø Urinary incontinence
Ø Faecal incontinence
Ø Pelvic organ prolapse
Ø Post-operative pain
To fully understand your symptoms, your physiotherapist will ask you questions about when they began, what your symptoms are and how they affect your life, and then ask specific questions about your bladder, bowel, and sexual health. These questions all allow your physiotherapist to build a picture of how you are feeling, what is happening to your muscles, nerves and organs, and where best to begin improving your symptoms.
International guidelines recommend that the best care for persistent pelvic pain is achieved when healthcare professionals work together across medical specialities:
The Pelvic Pain Network has been designed to provide joined-up care between all of these specialties. Your specialist physiotherapist will start your rehabilitation journey with evidence-based treatments and connect you with our handpicked network of medical professionals from gynaecologists to psychologists.
Download our guide
You can download more information about physiotherapy for persistent pelvic pain in our free guide.
What might Physiotherapy treatment involve?
Sharing information to support your understanding of the mechanisms behind your symptoms and what you can do to influence them.
Pain reduction strategies.
Bladder training.
Fluid and diet advice.
Tips for optimum bowel function.
Tips to support sexual function.
Pelvic floor muscle exercise therapy (this may include pelvic floor muscle relaxation or coordination exercises).
Pelvic floor muscle manual therapy (this may be something that you try at home with advice and guidance).
Desensitization strategies (this may be to reduce the sensitivity of a particular area to touch or pressure)
Psychologically supportive strategies.
Graded exposure to previously painful activities.
Supporting your return to meaningful movement or exercise.
Building a self-management toolkit to support your self-care and to provide and flare-up toolkit.
A Pelvic Pain Specialist Physiotherapist can provide an individualised assessment to discuss a treatment plan tailored to your individual needs.
We prioritise accessibility and flexibility to ensure that you receive the care that you need, when you need it. Make an appointment with one of our specialists to access online treatment from the comfort of your own home.
“I finally feel like I’m back in the driver’s seat. I’m much more confident that my pain is under control, and that I’m back in control!”
- Amy